ماژول فست شارژ XY-WPDT با نمایشگر و خروجی USB

ماژول فست شارژ با نمایشگر LED و خروجی USB با پشتیبانی از پروتکل های فست شارژ PD2.0 PD3.0


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معرفی ماژول فست شارژ XY-WPDT با نمایشگر و خروجی USB

این ماژول یک نمایشگر به همراه فست شارژ با خروجی USB می باشد. که از پروتکل های فست شارژ PD2.0 PD3.0  نیز پشتیبانی میکند.

مشخصات فنی ماژول فست شارژ XY-WPDT با نمایشگر و خروجی USB

  • نمایشگر ولتاژ و جریان
  • قابلیت تنظیم ولتاژ خروجی
  • مقدار ولتاژ خروجی : 4 الی 20 ولت DC
  • دقت : 0.01 ولت
  • دمای کاری : 20- الی 100 درجه سانتی گراد
  • ابعاد : 9x25x70 میلی متر

XY-WPDT is a PD-Fast-Charger Trigger. It can make a PD charger becomes DC 4V~20V adjustable power supply module. It supports PD2.0 and PD3.0 protocol.


– PD-Fast-Charger Trigger
– Voltage and current display
– Multi-set voltage output
– Power-off memory function


Output Voltage: DC 4.0V~20V
Voltage Precision:0.3%
Voltage Resolution:0.01V
Current Precision:0.5%
Current Resolution:0.001A
Working Temperature range:-20℃~100℃
Working Humidity range:0%-95%RH

Set Mode:

1>.Boot display: Automatically detect the PD fast charging protocol every time after power is turned on.
1.1>.Input device don’t support PD protocol if display ‘—-’.
1.2>.Input device supports PD2.0 protocol.
1.3>.Input device support PD3.0 protocol.
2>.Switch display parameter:
2.1>.Short press K1 button to switch display output voltage or output current or both in turns.
2.2>.Keep press K1 button about 5second to turn OFF screen and indicator. But XY-WPDT keeps output voltage.
3>.Adjust voltage grade:
3.1>.Short press K2 button to set voltage grade. The corresponding voltage grade indicator will flash automatically.
3.2>.Short press K1 or K2 button to change voltage value. K1 is increase and K2 is decrease in this time.
3.3>.There are 7 voltage grade P7-1 to P7-7 and P7-L. It will display voltage grade and then display corresponding voltage value.
3.4>.Keep press K1 button about 2second to save parameters and exit(Or without any operation within 5second).
3.5>.P7-L is the last voltage grade. Module will trigger all grades(5V/9V/12V/15V/PPS-Mode) in turns if selected this grade. Three LED indicator will lit in turns and this mode can be used for factory of charger.
3.6>.PD2.0 charger generally supports 4~5 voltage grades so screen will display P4-1 or P5-1.
3.7>.PD3.0 charger generally supports 6~7 voltage grades so screen will display P6-1 or P7-1.
3.8>.P7-1 output 5V.Yellow/Blue/Green indicator keep OFF.
3.9>.P7-2 output 9V.Yellow/Blue/Green indicator keep OFF.
3.10>.P7-3 output 12V.Yellow/Blue/Green indicator keep OFF.
3.11>.P7-4 output 15V.Yellow/Blue/Green indicator keep OFF.
3.12>.P7-5 output 5V.Yellow/Blue/Green indicator keep OFF.
3.13>.P7-6 is PPS mode. Yellow/Blue/Green indicator keep ON.
3.14>.P7-7 is PPS mode. Yellow/Blue/Green indicator keep ON.
3.15>.P7-L is in turns mode.
4>.Set PPS step voltage:
4.1>.Make sure XY-WPDT is working at PPS mode which 1V/100mV/20mV indicator all or anyone lit which is the P7-6 or P7-7 voltage grade.
4.2>.Keep press K2 button about 3second to adjust PPS voltage and screen will flashing. First activate the 1V step voltage.
4.3>.Keep press K2 button about 3second to select next step voltage.
4.4>.Short press K1 or K2 button to change voltage value. K1 is increase and K2 is decrease in this time.
4.5>.Short press K1/K2 to exit PPS step voltage set mode and to select others step voltage when 1V/100mV/20mV indicator both keep ON.
4.6>.Keep press K1 button about 2second to save parameters and return to normal display(Or without any operation within 5second).


2>.Optical modem
3>.Set-top box
5>.Charger converter
6>.Charger tester
7>.Charger factory

Package Included:

1 x XY-WPDT PD-Fast-Charger Trigger Module
1 x 100cm 5.5*2.5mm USB cable
2 x 60*24*2mm Acrylic shell
2 x Black Indicator panel
1 x Mini screwdriver
4 x M2*5mm Copper column
8 x M2*5mm Screw


651,000 تومان


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